Shutter 0.70.2, out for you to enjoy better!

Shutter 0.70.2 is out, fixing seven discovered issues as reported by our users. This is the second and last release in the 0.70.x release series; the next 0.80 release will be focusing on improving the drawing tool - including an "Undo" feature, double-clicking to update items, a crop tool and instant-apply for property changes (for example, line width, color, and etc. will be updated as soon as you set a new option - this allows real-time "preview").

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Shutter 0.70.1 out, adds various fixes

Shutter 0.70.1 is a purely bugfix release that doesn't add any new features, so it wasn't even worthy of being called 0.71.

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Shutter 0.70 released!

Major updates in this release are printing support, support for a whole lot of formats to save pictures in, support for watching changes to files (open the screenshot externally in gimp, save it - and shutter updates its copy), integration with GVFS (you can upload sites that you've connected to via Places ▸ Connect), better recognition for programs that can open a picture, faster thumbnail creation, and improved dialogs!

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GScrot is now Shutter

After some suggestions and careful considerations, we've now decided to rename GScrot into Shutter. Along with that decision, we now also have a nicer logo (thanks to Pascal Grochol), and a nicer website!

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