Shutter meets Cloud

We are happy to announce the release of Shutter 0.86.3.

Ubuntu One

Shutter 0.86.3 adds support for Ubuntu One, a cloud service by Canonical. Check out this video to see how uploading works:

Ubuntu One

Ubuntu One allows you to publish your files easily while always keeping control over all of your files.

Note: It only works with Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) or later. Additionally you need the package libnet-dbus-glib-perl to use it. If you have added our PPA, you can install the package via terminal – go to the downloads page otherwise:

sudo apt-get install libnet-dbus-glib-perl

New Icons

In case are using the latest Ubuntu release (10.04 – Lucid Lynx) with its new default theme, you will also appreciate the new icons (ubuntu-mono) that come with this version of Shutter – thanks to Duncan Lock.

Image Hosting

The (very reliable) image hosting service was discontinued (too much spam) so we removed this service from Shutter. and were broken as well and should work again now.

How to Get it

If you’ve subscribed to the Ubuntu repository, you’ll be prompted about an update being available automatically – otherwise, check the downloads page for individual packages. Maintainers of other distributions will be notified, so updates for that will be available soon.


  * New features
    -- Publish via Ubuntu One
    -- New humanity icons (ubuntu-mono-dark and ubuntu-mono-light)
  * Fixed bugs / minor improvements
    -- LP: #361971
       [Rename Redo to Retry in upload failure dialog]
    -- LP: #506181
       [Would like integration with Ubuntu One]
    -- LP: #552842
       [function to hash the file name]
    -- LP: #577040
       [Add a --version command line argument]
    -- LP: #582134
       [Cannot export photos to imageshack]
    -- LP: #610042
       [ is dead]
    -- LP: #610784
       [Cannot export photos to imagebanana]
  * updated translations

Enjoy this release!


  1. When will Shutter support I found a Perl extension supporting Imgur:
    (I don’t know Perl coding)

  2. Thanks for the latest update. I haven’t tried it with Ubuntu One yet but soon will. The icon looks great and this makes Shutter and my Ubuntu 10.04 look professional. Good work and a fantastic program. This should be in the default install and if not, in the preferred application list.

  3. Daniel Añez

    Is there any work on imgur uploading? It would be great!


  1. New Shutter release adds UbuntuOne Uploading, monochrome icon & hosting fixes - [...] – easily the best screenshot tool ever created – has finally shimmied out a new release, packed full of …
  2. Shutter 0.86.3 añade integracion con Ubuntu One y nuevos iconos | Ayuda Linux - [...] Enlace | Shutter [...]
  3. GSI Super Quality Remote Shutter for Canon 40D, 10D, 3, D2000, 1Ds, 5D, 1D Mark II, D30, 20D, 1V, 1D, 1Ds Mark II, D60, 30D, 1Ds mark III, 1D mark III, D70S, D80 Cameras, Functions Exactly as the Nikon RS-80N3, Provides Great Photography Flexibility. | Mo - [...] Shutter 0.86.3 adds integration with Ubuntu One and new icons | Shutter – Featureful Screensho... [...]
  4. Shutter 0.86.3 añade integracion con Ubuntu One y nuevos iconos « Ubuntu Life - [...] Enlace | Shutter [...]
  5. GSI Super Quality Remote Shutter for Olympus E1, E10 , E20, E20N, E300, E100RS, C8080, C7070, C5060, C2500l, E3, E330 and E500 Cameras, Functions Exactly as the Olympus RM-CB1, Provides Great Photography Flexibility Reviews | Mobile PhotoJournal - [...] Shutter 0.86.3 adds integration with Ubuntu One and new icons | Shutter – Featureful Screensho... [...]
  6. Tweets that mention Shutter 0.86.3 adds integration with Ubuntu One and new icons | Shutter - Featureful Screenshot Tool -- - [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christoph Langner, Mika Suomalainen. Mika Suomalainen said: Shutter 0.86.3 adds integration with …

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