Shutter as default

To configure Shutter as the default tool to take screenshots with when you press PrtSc or Alt+PrtSc, here’s what you need to do:

gnome unity
  1. Go to System Settings ▸ Keyboard
    Gnome/Unity - System Settings

    Gnome/Unity – System Settings

  2. Switch to the Shortcut tab and add a new custom shortcut
    Gnome/Unity - Add new custom shortcut

    Gnome/Unity – Add new custom shortcut

  3. Enter a Name (e.g. Shutter) and a Command (e.g. shutter -f)

    Gnome/Unity - Enter command

    Gnome/Unity – Enter command

  4. Click the new row and hold down the new keys in order to add/edit the accelerator

    Gnome/Unity - Edit accelerator

    Gnome/Unity – Edit accelerator

  5. That’s it! Now the usual PrtSc keybinding will use Shutter to take the screenshots.


  1. Go to System SettingsShortcuts and Gestures

    KDE - System settings

    KDE – System settings

  2. Create a new global shortcut (right-mouse click) and select Command/URL

    KDE - Add new custom shortcut

    KDE – Add new custom shortcut

  3. You can now edit the associated Action

    KDE - Edit command

    KDE – Edit command

  4. … and Trigger

    KDE - Edit shortcut

    KDE – Edit shortcut

  5. That’s it!


  1. Go to SettingsKeyboard

    Xfce - Keyboard settings

    Xfce – Keyboard settings

  2. Click on the Add-Button to create a new shortcut

    Xfce - Add new shortcut

    Xfce – Add new shortcut

  3. Enter a command in the next dialogue (e.g. shutter -f)

    Xfce - Enter command

    Xfce – Enter command

  4. Click the new row and hold down the new keys in order to add/edit the shortcut. That’s it.


  1. LXDE does not provide any GUI to manage global shortcuts yet. Please see the instructions here.


  1. alfio-it

    type “shutter –help” in a terminal

  2. The best print software of the world. thanks for change my life.

  3. PcSi-L

    Hi, on LXDE, you can use LXSession. On application launcher, screenshot manager, replace scrot by shutter –full.

  4. I had one problem, it will not use my profile with shutter -f -e –profile=joels. Shouldn’t this work?

    I tried also shutter -f -e -p=joels

    I can confirm that my profile is named “joels” on Xubuntu 16.04 version 0.93.1.

    • Btw, EXCELLENT app, folks. I really like this program. A lot of insanely good features too. Please keep up the good work!

  5. zenfnord

    So, yeah, I do that, but it still takes 2 seconds to take a screenshot even with -d 0, and if I dare hit the key while shutter is open, it shuts it down and reopens it, adding even more delay.


  6. command “shutter -s” I know what to do.but where is the other “Minus list”?


  1. 用 CentOS 7 打造合适的科研环境 – A box of chocolate - […] 可以通过 修改快捷键使 shutter 成为默认的截图工具。 […]
  2. 用 CentOS 7 打造合适的科研环境 – Xinivn - […] 修改快捷键使 shutter 成为默认的截图工具 。 其他工具 sudo yum install nfs-utils # 挂载 NFS […]

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