
Shutter is available for any major GNU/Linux distribution and can be installed using your package manager. If you want to upgrade to the latest release, you can find installation instructions in our download section.

Ubuntu PPA repository (recommended):

We are using Launchpad to distribute the different versions of Shutter. If you’re on Ubuntu (versions 8.04 to 10.10 are supported), it’s preferred that you install this way because installing is easier, and you’ll be automatically notified of available updates.

A detailed guide on installing from the PPA is available here, though you can also install using these directions:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install shutter

Ubuntu packages:

If you don’t want to add the repository but install from packages, here they are:

Ubuntu 10.10 “Maverick Meerkat”: Shutter

Ubuntu 10.04 “Lucid Lynx”: libnet-dbus-glib-perl (32bit, 64bit) and Shutter

Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala”: Shutter

Ubuntu 8.04 “Hardy Heron”: gtkimageview (32bit, 64bit, or netbook), libgtk2-imageview-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook), libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook) and Shutter

No longer supported:

Ubuntu 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope”: libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook) and Shutter

Ubuntu 8.10 “Intrepid Ibex”: libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook) and Shutter

Ubuntu 7.10 “Gutsy Gibbon”: gtkimageview (32bit or 64bit), libgtk2-imageview-perl (32bit or 64bit), libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit or 64bit) and Shutter

Third-Party Packages (Other Distributions) and Source Code:

If you are not using Ubuntu, you can find distribution-specific installation instructions (as well as the source code) below:


  1. Paradiesstaub

    it would be very very nice to have only the image editing part of Shutter as an extra program.

    Shutter = simple, quick, good :D

  2. Grateful for complete download as .deb for older releases. Will try the program now. Thanks!

  3. Romario

    No. See my comment here for a detailed explanation:

  4. Windows Version Available ?

  5. @Alejandro
    Sometimes running sudo apt-get install -f fixes those missing dependency issues

  6. Very nice tool! Thanks to everybody!!

  7. Just want to say the latest version 0.85.1 Rev.725 on Ubuntu 9.1 – Karmic Koala works like a charm. Great program & the plug-ins come in handy. Kudos to the team!

  8. Emerson

    Use PowerOff (or later), is free too.

  9. @Ring

    There is open-source Windows software called Greenshot, which does very similar job – – it contains rich image editor, annotator etc. It worth trying ;)

    - and if you want nicer version to fit Windows7 look, try PrtScr (works in XP too), which is simpler (cannot anotate and does’t include image editor]

  10. Vadim P.


    We don’t provide one, so try checking with the third party sources for Slackware.


  1. Shutter: Alternativa para Snagit no Linux | WebCres / Blog - [...] em outras distros, mas atualmente estou utilizando Ubuntu 10 e está rodando perfeito. Ele está no repositório PPA do ...
  2. Shutter : votre outil de capture sous Ubuntu | Restez connectés ! - [...] Shutter est disponible au téléchargement pour la plupart des distributions Linux sur le site du projet. [...]

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