Shutter is available for any major GNU/Linux distribution and can be installed using your package manager. If you want to upgrade to the latest release, you can find installation instructions in our download section.
Ubuntu PPA repository (recommended):
We are using Launchpad to distribute the different versions of Shutter. If you’re on Ubuntu (versions 8.04 to 10.10 are supported), it’s preferred that you install this way because installing is easier, and you’ll be automatically notified of available updates.
A detailed guide on installing from the PPA is available here, though you can also install using these directions:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install shutter
Ubuntu packages:
If you don’t want to add the repository but install from packages, here they are:
Ubuntu 10.10 “Maverick Meerkat”: Shutter
Ubuntu 10.04 “Lucid Lynx”: libnet-dbus-glib-perl (32bit, 64bit) and Shutter
Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala”: Shutter
Ubuntu 8.04 “Hardy Heron”: gtkimageview (32bit, 64bit, or netbook), libgtk2-imageview-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook), libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook) and Shutter
No longer supported:
Ubuntu 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope”: libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook) and Shutter
Ubuntu 8.10 “Intrepid Ibex”: libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit, 64bit, or netbook) and Shutter
Ubuntu 7.10 “Gutsy Gibbon”: gtkimageview (32bit or 64bit), libgtk2-imageview-perl (32bit or 64bit), libgoo-canvas-perl (32bit or 64bit) and Shutter
Third-Party Packages (Other Distributions) and Source Code:
If you are not using Ubuntu, you can find distribution-specific installation instructions (as well as the source code) below:
- 简单,快速,强大的截图软件:Shutter - [...] /downloads/ [...]
- Un peu de tout » Archives du Blog » Shutter : des copies d’écran faciles sous Linux - [...] existe pour de nombreuses distributions. La page Download vous donnera la liste des distributions et la façon d’installer [...]
- Shutter : des copies d'écran faciles sous Linux | WebActus - [...] de la touche <Print Screen>.Installation :Shutter existe pour de nombreuses distributions. La page Download vous donnera la liste des ...
- Shutter: الحل المتكامل لالتقاط الصور في لينوكس | البرامج المجانية البديلة - [...] Shutter الاقسام :البرامج البديلة السمات : No Related Post ...
- Install Shutter v0.86 di Ubuntu Karmic « Yogieza's Blog - [...] Untuk menginstall Shutter v0.86 di Ubuntu Karmic, perlu koneksi Internet serta sedikit settingan. Berikut langkah-langkahnya . 1. Buka terminal ...
- Shutter – Das Screenshot Tool für Linux » Screenshots, Shutter, Screencapture, Export, Editor, Bildschirmfoto, Blog, über, Technik, Software » Webdomination - [...] gilt das Tool Shutter als ungeschlagen. Dieses kann nicht nur Screenshots von allen möglichen Bereichen des [...]
- Simple Secure Screenshot Sharing For Linux | Chris Jones - [...] If you haven’t done so already install Shutter. Then open Shutter and go to Edit->Preferences and set the save ...
- Shutter 0.86 | Nueva versión | La vida Linux - [...] prefieres puedes descargar el paquete binario, pero lo recomendado es instalarlo a través del [...]
- Shutter 0.86 Disponible | Ayuda Linux - [...] Descarga | Shutter [...]
- Shutter 0.86 adds new features and a lot of bugfixes « gericom - [...] Downloads and PPA are available here [...]
Has repository for intrepid changed? Error message:W: Failed to fetch 301 Moved Permanently
Do you have another repo?
Thanks a bunch, I’ve added it.
@Vadim P.
deb unstable main
You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gcue2tracks-dev-keyring package from the same repository.
No OpenSuSe package?
No, unfortunately nobody from OpenSUSE stepped up to make the package. mrdocs on #opensuse-gnome said he’d take a look at it, but I’m not sure where it’s at.
You’re welcome to give it a try at packaging though or get someone who knows how to do it. We’ll link to the package(s) from the download page.
@Miro churchyard Hrončok
I don’t see anything stupid with packages designed for Ubuntu depending on ubuntu packages and packages designed for Mepis depending on Mepis packages.
Any Debian developer is welcome to package shutter – we’ll add a link to it like for other third-party packages. Let us know when you find a willing one.
@Miro churchyard Hrončok
We are always looking for help in supporting as many distros as possible. As the development team is using ubuntu this distro is currently the best supported.
I’ll see if I can get a debian packager to help us out here…
Hi guys. Any idea of asking Debian developers for an official packages? Your PPA doesn’t work with Debina, cause your packages depend on versions including the world ubuntu (which is stupid). I’m currently using packages from Mepis, but that is also stupid.
I do find the Quick Search unreliable, so I used the main search function and did not get Shutter to show up. It installed just fine from the terminal, so I tried synaptic’s search again, and there it was, along with the two items that appeared alone yesterday. Go figure.
Anyway, thanks for the help. It’s a useful program, and I’m glad to have it running in Linux Mint.
Are you using the quick search of synaptic? If yes please use the ‘Search’ button instead. If this does not work either please use the following apt commands after opening a terminal of your choice:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install shutter
I used synaptic to add the Intrepid repository, but after updating, a search for shutter turns up only a couple of unrelated items. Too bad. I was using shutter in Intrepid recently, but just switch to Linux Mint (based on Intrepid).