Shutter 0.89 released
This release adds support for Application Indicators and fixes bugs.
AppIndicator Support
This release adds support for application indicators when running Unity. Thanks to Hans Oesterholt ( for creating the needed Perl bindings.
Hint: The indicator disappears temporarily when taking a screenshot. This is not a bug
You are a package maintainer?
Please have a look at our list of dependencies to check if your current package does fulfill the needs of the new version. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. This release adds the following (optional) dependency:
- libgtk2-appindicator-perl (Gtk2::AppIndicator)
How to install?
If you’ve subscribed to the Ubuntu repository, you’ll be prompted about an update being available automatically – otherwise, check the downloads page for individual packages. Updates for other distributions will be available soon. Changelog:
* Fixed bugs / minor improvements -- LP: #664292 [Feature Request: Please make use of appindicators] -- LP: #1012235 [Advanced Selection Capture entries do not work] -- LP: #1018791 [Change fsf-address] * updated translations
Enjoy this release!
- [How to] Install Shutter 0.89 screenshot tool in Ubuntu 12.04 - Tuxtree - [...] /2012/08/shutter-0-89-released/ [...]
- Shutter, le logiciel de capture d'écran support les indicateurs Ubuntu - [...] propose en effet plus d'options du programme pour certains types de captures d'écran. La nouvelle version 0.89 apporte…
- Обновился Shutter до версии 0.89 | PROUBUNTU - [...] Обновлен Shutter до версии 0.89 – полнофункциональное средство для создания скриншотов в Linux. В данном обновлении в основном были…
$ scrot -s # select area to capture
$ scrot -d 6 #delay screencap for 6 seconds
$ scrot -t 20 -d 5
The above command saves a dated .png file, along with a thumbnail (20% of original), for Web posting. It provides a 5 second delay before capturing in this instance.
You can also use standard date and time formatting when saving to a file. e.g.,
$ scrot ~/screenshots/%Y-%m-%d-%T-screenshot.png
saves the screenshot in a filename with the current year, month, date, hours, minutes, and seconds to a folder in your home directory called “screenshots”
Hi Romario,
there are two small issues I have faced with the last shutter release :
a) When I left-click on Shutter icon on the panel nothing happens (previously shutter main window came up).
b) When I take a screenshot shutter icon disappears from the panel (this is not the problem) and rises back to the panel but on a very different position (it usually moves to the left several icon positions) … well … this may not look like very big deal … it really isn’t a very big deal … but … from the ergonomy and usability point of view … I think it’s unconfortable. When I login to a user session, I take care to start some applications in a specific order because it’s very confortable and easy to use to have the icons on the panel … always on the same position. In my case, shutter autostarts with the user session … in my case … shutter icon is always in the same position … which is very useful. This has changed with the last shutter release.
Appart from these small issues … your tool is working as great as always.
Thank you.
Ps .- I am running Shutter 0.89 over a Kubuntu Oneiric amd64.
Thanks for letting us know. I’ve created two bug reports:
I’m using Ubuntu Lucid (10.04.4) and facing trouble to install this update.
In Update-Manager, I am unable to select the package, screen-shot here
And Synaptic shows “not installable dependencies”, screen-shot
Thanks for any advise.
This is a known problem. There will be a fix soon.
Thank you very much, keep up the good-work guys! (thumbs-up) 🙂
Great to see activity on this! Love the app and keep up the awesome work!
Is there any form to use a bit less memory when I set to start with session with no window? Now, with these settings it uses aprox. 50 Mb of RAM. However, with “indicator-shutter” from owner’ s blog Webupd8 with only 10 Mb was perfect…
Anyways, thank you for this fantastic app!!!