Shutter 0.85.1 is out – 8 bugfixes included
Shutter 0.85.1 is a bugfix release that doesn’t add any new features.
If you’ve subscribed to the Ubuntu repository, you’ll be prompted about an update being available automatically – otherwise, check the downloads page for individual packages. Maintainers of other distributions have been notified, so updates for that will be available soon.
Here is the list of issued fixed:
* Fixed bugs -- LP: #471895 [Unable to set Shutter as default screenshot tool when using compiz] -- LP: #488845 [check gtk version before calling gtk-image-menu-...] -- LP: #488895 [capture menu / tooltip doesn't work with gtk2-perl 1.161] -- LP: #488897 [duplicate file after capturing a webpage and using $name in th...] -- LP: #486322 [copy filename / copy screenshot to clipboard should be xor] -- LP: #486659 [Pressing Enter in the image editor doesn't save image] -- LP: #486691 [copy and copy filename do not work in session tab] -- LP: #488702 [can't shot localhost web] * updated translations
As always, if you’ve found some issue, let us know!