Preview of the new Drawing Tool in GScrot 0.64

I am currently working very hard on the new version of GScrot including the new Drawing Tool.
The new tool is based on the great GooCanvas Library (see Therefore it offers many advantages in comparison with the old tool, e.g. full alpha-channel support.

Because pictures say more than a thousand words, here is a little preview:

Hopefully i will be able to release the final version of GScrot 0.64 before christmas.

Stay tuned…

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  1. Thanks.
    Hope you are enjoying the latest version of GScrot.

  2. Awesome. Its rare to see such a decent GUI in Linux. Hope it will be the same for usability.

    Very much looking forward to the update.

  3. Great!

    I can’t wait! :)

  4. aguafuertes

    Very nice!

  5. That looks great.

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