There aren’t any additional plugins available yet, because the project is pretty young. Maybe we should add a plugin section to the homepage where we can offer plugins, you are right.
I’ll even try to write a little tutorial of writing plugins but i am quite busy at the moment.
Would you please send me your plugin so i can put it on the homepage when everything is set up?
On Xubuntu Intrepid:
1. new 0.63 version did not recognized sessions created with 0.62.
2. after ‘ENTER’ is pressed for a selected region capture, the captured image does not show in gscrot window and it does not allows to upload it from the filesystem using ‘File > Open’
I tried to post this in Launchpad ‘Bugs’ section but I did not find how.
I also created a new bash-plugin based on torned paper example in
A contributed plugin section would be good for users.
Thank you.